
The Women Supporting Women Center was founded by Claire Josephs Houston on February 1, 1996. It is a wellness model based on some concepts from the Co-Counseling community, which believes that expressing emotions in a safe, receptive environment, and being able to speak to others uninterrupted, without advice, allows us to re-evaluate our lives, see things more clearly, and become empowered and better able to make positive change and improvements in our lives.


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This Center was modeled after the Women’s Center of Huntington, in Huntington, NY, which was founded in 1981. That Center was modeled after the Union Center for Women in Brooklyn, NY, which was founded on another Center in the Bronx, NY…so, there is a long legacy of women’s centers, offering women a unique place to come together in a vibrant circle and examine their lives.

Another Center grew out of this Center, the Women’s Center for Wellness, which was based in Milford, MA. When those leaders dispersed, another Center grew out of that one, called the Authentic Women Circle, in Ogunquit, ME, which is active today.

It is so wonderful to have a peaceful, nonjudgmental place to gather with others, speak and listen, be inspired, laugh together, and cry, and witness each other’s unique journeys. It’s life changing! Find us on Facebook: http://fb.me/wswcenter